Archive for June, 2007

You know it’s ground-breaking news when one of your editors (at a serious business paper, mind you) tells a senior correspondent to flip channels to tune in to the paris hilton-larry king interview on CNN. So there was the group of us, young and old, male and female gathered around the TV in the newsroom, […]

once upon a time, even before i was a not-so-teeny tween, I found my love for writing and words- which was very much connected to my greater and older love for making up fantastical things in my head. Then somewhere along the twisty winding road of growing up, it got (unwittingly or not) buried and […]


I dreamt i died and went to heaven



Something about my sense of humour must be changing. Either that or everyone else around me is getting really unsophisticated (sticks nose up in the air). kidding. But really, is it just me, or is Shrek 3 really not all that funny at all. Not only that, but Blades of Glory was somewhat of a […]


I haven’t slept in almost 20 hours now. Does that sound bad? Im not quite sure. I think i may be slightly disturbed after sitting at the third row in a rather uncomfortable Lido theatre watching a nearly 3 hour long movie about a serial killer. It wasn’t a scary or even spooky show, but […]

hello world.


After some deliberation and much hesitation and switching around, ive decided to move back to wordpress! oh yes, because livejournal is a pain in the ass, blogger is for noobs and i can’t be bothered with my own domain. So hello. Nobody knows about this yet. Expect random occasional cameos and some guest-starring from le […]