some self-derogatory singapore bashing


school is well into its third week. the horror! or what dear mr glenn wharton taught me in spanish class, que horror!! which i always found very hilarious and will never forget the mock-horrified expression he pulled (imagine, 50ish man with albert einstein-like hair) while saying that.

To negate the bad karma points of unhappiness and unproductive emo-ness for the past week, i will begin this week with some happy photos of summer adventures!

August kind of screamed Red&White- what with jo’s rednwhite themed birthday party and of course, dear Singapore’s 42nd birthday. August is full of birthdays innit.

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ok i got tired of uploading photos. school has officially tired me out (it’s monday only), and i’ve just retreated to the nice warm fuzzy-feelings comfort of my rooom. the rents and family have all gone and left me alone in Singapore while they soak up the heat of the Californian sun. meh. but no complains, new york new york here i come in december.

conversations with random people over the past few weeks have only served to reinforce what i’ve always suspected all along- that singaporeans (as a society) are innately poseur, have this inferiority-complex that stems from being a small puny country with no natural resources (yadayada, gahmen’s common strand of rhetoric, no?), also very boringly copy-cat (singapore eye what?!), want to be the best at everything thus resulting in jack-of-all-trades, master of none syndrome.

all the above has been buzzing in my head constantly and annoyingly too, so much so that my answer to everything lately has been- singapore sucks! which is unfair, unkind, ungrateful and unmature (for alliterations sake ok. i know it’s immature), i know- just let me be childish for once?

right. i think, that’s enough singapore-bashing for awhile. i shall throw myself, heart and soul, into reading sept’s yummy issue of Vogue now, and forget about the world around me for a moment.

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